Aside from the "Underground Cuisine Traditional Market" in District 1, Ho Chi Minh city, "Asian Cuisine Forest" of Asiana Food Town - The largest food court in Thu Duc city located at Gigamall building's Floor 3 of an area up to sqm 1,500, with the capacity of over 700 seats and serving thousands of Vietnamese and Asian dishes. Asiana Food Town is decorated in the mangrove theme and serves over 1,000 Asian dishes along with vegetarian food. Bring along the style of "traditional market" cuisine and gather more than 500 street-food dishes signified Asian contemporary cuisine cultures such as of Vietnam, Thailand, Campodia, India, Singapore, Japan, Korea. Come to Asiana Food Town, diners will be lost in a street food traditional market in some Asian country then not only to enjoy the signature street-food dishes of each country but also to smell and to sense that "street" scent in the air.
Thứ 2 - Thứ 6: 09:30 - 22:00; Thứ 7 & CN: 09:00 - 22:00
Store location: L3-06