BB Wellness Spa chain - a leading brand in Hydraulic Swimming and Massage services for newborn babies, providing the most modern newborn care solutions at Vietnam using Singaporean technology. BB Wellness meets all of the toughest processes and criteria in infant care services by providing the right environment and care for clients.
Babies after swimming at BB Wellness eat better, sleep better, do not cry at night anymore. Besides, the babies also become stronger, start rolling over, crawling, holding objects earlier that ones at the same age. Many parents share that, the most best value found at BB Wellness is, aside from the moments seeing their loving children exercising, relaxing, being cared, playing in their own space, the benefits for the baby's health.
BB Wellness hope to accompany parents in capturing the baby's golden phase, to fully help them to become better-built and happier every day.
Thứ 2 - Thứ 6: 09:30 - 22:00; Thứ 7 & CN: 09:00 - 22:00
Store location: L4-09D